A leading research, teaching and patient care institute was struggling to keep up with the IT needs of the organization. They faced a sprawling IT footprint across a region-wide campus that was aging and proving difficult at best to support. Due to the nature of funding, grants and donations, many disparate individuals and organizations within the Institute are able to procure hardware and software independently. The Institute historically know for innovation was falling behind their competitors due to constraints in providing capacity and new functionality in a timely manner. The advent of IoT, advances in technologies like imaging and the adoption of technology throughout their supply chain necessitated an innovative storage architecture and analytics capability. The physical IT footprint across 6 data centers and 20 other sites was impeding the Institute from building new facilities core to their mission. The CIO was tasked by the Institute Board to gain control of the environment, transform the IT operating model and get it done quickly without impacting core services or patient care all within a fixed budget.
Where to start
The CIO was tasked with ownership of the program but realized they lacked both capability and capacity within the Institute to undertake this initiative. The program leadership contemplated utilizing a traditional consulting firm but quickly realized they needed more than a report, they needed a long-term partner with skills across the spectrum that would be with them every step of the way.
Key Success Criteria
1. The solution must position the Institute to regain its reputation as a leader in this industry.
2. There must be minimal impact to the organization and no impact to core services or patient care to achieve these goals.
3. This must be an Institute solution, not an IT mandate.
4. Compliance requirements supporting HIPAA, PCI, FDCA, ESA and other regulatory standards are all achieved.
5. The program must meet timeline and financial goals.
Timeline of Project
1. Establish Program and Baseline Environment – Week 1-6
2. Developed fast lane/slow lane criteria and sorted applications and services – Week 7-12
3. Deployed first applications into new data center and cloud – Week 13
4. Returned first Data Center to Institute for repurposing – Week 26
5. Project completion – Month 24
Lessons Learned
1. Transformation initiatives are more of a business challenge than they are a technical challenge
2. The concept and operation of a CCOE has applications in traditional IT – the best programs are enterprise solutions versus IT mandates
3. Support from the top and throughout the organization cannot be overstated
4. Automation has come a long way but it is not the only answer to solve complex challenges
Client Situation Today
Today, the Institute has been recognized for solving this challenge and is finding new ways to leverage their new capabilities. Service levels are at an all-time high and the program has provided a framework for how all new IT initiatives are run at the Institute. New research, education and patient care facilities now occupy former Data Center space. The institute has regained its stature in the industry and is once again a destination for talent, grants and contributions.